Each participant will be able to enter each competition multiple times. Each competition will vary as to the exact amount of times each individual can enter however this will always be stated in the competition description.
Each participant will be able to enter each competition multiple times. Each competition will vary as to the exact amount of times each individual can enter however this will always be stated in the competition description.
Competitions are launched with a two week duration/timer. Draws take place usually on a Wednesday or Sunday evening following the competition closing. Competitions are deemed to have closed when either one hundred percent of the allocated tickets are sold OR the two week duration is reached. If the two weeks duration is reached and the competition is not one hundred percent fully sold out. Either the competition draw will still take place and a winner announced provided at least seventy percent of the allocated tickets have been sold. If less than seventy percent of tickets have been sold we reserve the right to either: A. award the competition prize to the winner or B. award a prize equivalent to the value of seventy percent of the ticket sales revenue to the winner or C. Extend the competition by up to two weeks.
Go to log in to your account and underneath the big green login button there is a button you can press which says ‘lost your password?’. If you click that button it will send you an email with the option to reset your password.